I know this is a food blog, right? Well not exactly. It’s what I’m making and eating at the moment. It’s my journey from carnivore to plant-based athlete. It’s my running and training journal. It’s my life. A little bit about me before I begin. Over the past 4 years, mainly when I turned 40, I realized that I needed to pull my life back a lot and refocus. Quality over quantity. I didn’t need as much anymore. I began focusing on the important things in life and narrowed my circle of friends exponentially. This is an ongoing process and evolution. I think everyone can relate to the journey. Cutting out the noise and living a bit more in silence to really hear what’s important.
I’ve begun pairing down my possessions as well. I never thought I would be the person who would ever downsize, embrace a simpler life but I’m seeing it and getting excited. As my girls get older, and one will be heading off to college, I see us selling our home and getting a condo or brownstone and living without as much. This concept has been totally reinforced with the latest remodel of our master bathroom. I thought it would be easy and quick but reality soon set in… 3 weeks later I can say we are done! I have surmised that training for a 50 mile race and renovating is just too taxing… at least for me 🙂
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— Knead to Cook