Our oldest has remained at her apartment nearby to her university during Covid 19. She is working on campus and staying throughout the summer after her internship had been cancelled due to the stay in place orders. Our youngest graduates in a few weeks and had an opportunity to move into a lovely home nearby. This allowed her to build credit through utilities also experiencing living life on her own aka no one to cook and clean up after her. With just 5 days under her belt, we’ve seen so many incredible changes in her. Cleaning! She’s learning to be responsible for cleaning up after herself which honestly, I never thought would happen 😉 I seriously thought she would be on hoarders in her future. Kid you not! LOL. Apparently moving out has changed her 180 degrees and we couldn’t be prouder!
When she moved out we decided to change her room over to our Peloton & fitness room. By simply moving what we had and rearranging, touching up paint and having the rug cleaned… we’ve turned her room into a dreamy Pelo studio.

The wall color is Sherwin Williams Mindful Gray. Bookcase is old Ikea along with the baskets. Clock is available here.
Various yoga mats are in the corner and I anticipate buying a basket for them once the quarantine is over.
The bathroom. Well it was in rough condition to say the least. It had to be painted, it had been many years, scrubbed, bleached and disinfected (insert eye roll). Not wanting to spend a lot of money right now with the uncertainty of life… my goals:
1. Scrub everything.
2. Repaint both parts of the bathroom.
3. Paint the wood cabinets.
4. Replace the hardware.
5. Clean the faucets and see if they needed to be replaced – they were perfect!
6. Add an etagere for storage.
7. Buy new towels.
8. New accessories.
9. New shower curtain and hooks.
I didn’t take before pics to protect the guilty. Sunday we started and finally finished today, Friday.

Wall color is Storm Cloud by Sherwin Williams.
Trim color and cabinet paint color is pure white.
Etagere is here.
Apothecary jars are here.
Towels are here.
Bath mat is here.
Shower curtain is here.
Towel rack (which we have the matching toilet paper holder as well) is here.
Toilet paper holder is here.
Drawer knobs are here.
Door pulls are here.
Overall the renovations/updates came in around $350-$375 (with almost half of that for the carpeting cleaning and sanitizing).
I’ve been on a mission to lighten & create a minimalist space. We are so happy with way everything has turned out. Adjusting to empty nesting has been weird at times but overall quite lovely. The biggest positive is watching your children thrive on their own. For that we are grateful. If I’ve missed anything you’re interested in, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
— Knead to Cook