You know that when a fabulous person falls into you life, regardless of how it happens, you embrace that relationship and place great value on it. Products are very similar. You find a product or products and they instantly become your go-to standards that you refuse to deviate from. In my life as well as on my blog, I share only products that I’m truly passionate about. Sometimes those posts are sponsored (which are noted) and other times I’m just sharing food or products that I use and love along my food journey.
Maille has been a two-fold blessing to me. One, I’ve used their products forEVER! Seriously, as long as I can remember way back when my husband and I moved in together and I was grocery shopping on my own (attempting to enter adulthood) I was buying Maille Dijon. Well I started my blog a few years ago and have had many opportunities to work with companies creating recipes, attending events etc. When I started my relationship with Maille I was not only excited because I love and use their products several times a week — I also made a wonderful friend Elsa who I just adore! She’s my French connection and I just could chat with her for hours upon hours about travel, Paris, NYC, men, life… oh and wifi (inside joke).
— Knead to Cook