Oh these are always so well received when I make them. I couldn’t resist because my sage is growing like mad and I need to start using it. Perfect quick dinner idea. We served it with grilled zucchini and a garden salad.
This recipe doesn’t require a lot of information. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Get a 13×9 in pan ready for the chicken. I took as much chicken as I needed to feed my family, rinsed it and patted it dry. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Holding the chicken breast or tender flat, lay several (3-4) sage leaves on the top of chicken and then carefully wrap one slice of bacon around it (keeping the sage in place). Then transport it to the baking dish. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until the chicken is completely cooked throughout and the juices run clear. Remove from the oven and tent with foil for about 6 minutes to let it rest. Then plate and serve. Makes a great appetizer or dinner 🙂
— Knead to Cook