I’m very delinquent in posting my race weekend recap but my family took our vacation (has to be after swim season) and we just got back home on Sunday. We hit the ground running as one child starts school next week and it’s taken me a bit of time to download all of the pics from the weekend and our trip. Okay so without further adieu…
We headed up to Maine from Pennsylvania on Wednesday the 31st of July. We drove as far and as long as we could before we all hit the proverbial wall around Bridgeport, CT. A quick stay and then we headed up to Maine bright and early on the 1st. I haven’t been to Maine since I was a child and it was absolutely breathtaking. We stayed at the Higgins Inn at Scarborough. My oldest and I headed off to our room and my husband and youngest off to theirs. We were greeted with a lovely Cabot goodie cooler filled with yummy treats. We quickly changed and took off to meet everyone and attend the kick-off party hosted by my friend Candace Karu at her incredibly gorgeous home on the rocky coast. It was breathtaking. Most of the bloggers (minus two who were still traveling) got to meet up, chat and meet Joan Benoit Samuelson – yes the Olympian! She is the founder of the Beach to Beacon 10k. It was a picture perfect night with great memories, laughs and lots of pictures taken.
— Knead to Cook