I need to add more oats to my diet. I am a total creature of habit. I pretty much have the same breakfast and lunch every day. I needed to mix it up – variety is the spice of life, right? I kept seeing overnight oats everywhere I looked – like a subliminal message, I thought I would make a batch last night (after three days away in three states for a short holiday) and see how it tasted. Well as you may or many not know, I’ve been clean eating for about 8-9 months. Avoiding pretty much anything processed, loaded with preservatives, meat and striving to be as clean as possible. Okay enough about that! So I wanted to add only clean ingredients to my overnight refrigerated oatmeal. It took me about 2 minutes to assemble and have in the fridge. I anxiously awaited the morning and the taste test… to be continued.
— Knead to Cook