Black and White Bean Quinoa Burgers.
My first burger post of 2016. I make them often, but honestly never document all of the goodies that go inside so then as a result – it never hits my blog. After speaking to my good friend yesterday and talking about blogging and what I was going to be posting, I thought I better get moving on creating/documenting something for dinner that worked for everyone. You see, I cook with several variations of a recipe that work for everyone in my family on most nights. My youngest has now chosen to become vegetarian so it’s a bit easier but I still have two family members that eat meat.
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and my family members that do eat meat give it up on Ash Wednesday and every Friday throughout Lent. Did I confuse anyone yet? Yeah… a score card is needed when making dinner at my house. These burgers worked for everyone and made life a bit easier last night paired with some roasted sweet potatoes. Plus this recipe yields about a 12-14 sliders and they freeze nicely. Okay so let’s get started. Please know that you can adjust or tweak by preference as this recipe is very forgiving.
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— Knead to Cook