It inevitably happens… a bad watermelon will make it to your kitchen. I know I’m personally disheartened when it happens. Typically, when I’m giving my watermelon a quick fruit wash in my sink before I cut it – I mentally say a little prayer hoping its good. I hate wasting money on food that isn’t good – mealy or just over-ripened.
However, necessity creates invention… is that how it goes? Well needless to say, last summer I had a winning streak of exceptional watermelons until that one really gross, cracked on the inside, sad watermelon was staring up at me… I just spent $6 or $7 on this and lugged it from the farmer’s market to my truck and then to my kitchen. #fail But I was bounded and determined. I chopped it up and added it to my vitamix and wasteful was turned into successful. My kids love this juice! And if desired, you can always add a shot of vodka to a glass for an adult beverage. OR freeze them in popsicle molds (thanks Cecilia).
Watermelon and cucumbers are from the same plant family. Cucumbers contain unique polyphenols and other compounds that may help reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Cucumbers may help to “cool” the inflammatory response in your body which makes this the perfect post workout beverage. Contain multiple B vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B5, and vitamin B7 (biotin). Supportive of digestive health as well. Watermelon is a refreshing fruit is soaked with nutrients. Each bite has significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids. Combining the two – is a match made in juicy heaven.
1 large cucumber, washed and with skin removed and cut into chunks
1/2 of a medium-sized seedless watermelon, outer rind removed and melon cut into large pieces
Place all of the ingredients into your Vitamix or high-powered blender and blend on 9-10 until completely blended. I pour into several lidded jars and refrigerate. Shake the juice before serving as it will separate a bit.
Other add-ins:
Fresh ginger
Fresh mint leaves
Fresh basil leaves
Coconut water
Sunday: 18 cycling miles
Monday: 5 treadmill miles/strength-training
Tuesday: 6 outdoor humid miles
Pic is riding through the Amish farmlands early on Mother’s Day morning.
— Knead to Cook

Oh, you are the bomb!! I can’t wait to try this and make them into Popsicles for my kids. Thank you soooo much! Love you! Xo