Cabot Beach to Beacon Maine Weekend Recap.

I’m very delinquent in posting my race weekend recap but my family took our vacation (has to be after swim season) and we just got back home on Sunday.  We hit the ground running as one child starts school next week and it’s taken me a bit of time to download all of the pics from the weekend and our trip. Okay so without further adieu…

We headed up to Maine from Pennsylvania on Wednesday the 31st of July.  We drove as far and as long as we could before we all hit the proverbial wall around Bridgeport, CT.  A quick stay and then we headed up to Maine bright and early on the 1st.  I haven’t been to Maine since I was a child and it was absolutely breathtaking.  We stayed at the Higgins Inn at Scarborough.  My oldest and I headed off to our room and my husband and youngest off to theirs.  We were greeted with a lovely Cabot goodie cooler filled with yummy treats.  We quickly changed and took off to meet everyone and attend the kick-off party hosted by my friend Candace Karu at her incredibly gorgeous home on the rocky coast.  It was breathtaking.  Most of the bloggers (minus two who were still traveling) got to meet up, chat and meet Joan Benoit Samuelson – yes the Olympian!  She is the founder of the Beach to Beacon 10k.  It was a picture perfect night with great memories, laughs and lots of pictures taken.




The next day, we attended a press conference for the Beach to Beacon 10k along with many of the best runners in the world.  It was touching to reflect on Boston and the upsetting events and then to celebrate the tight bond that runners share in their pursuits.  Many of us “stalked” some of the elites to get some pictures with them.  Runners that I’ve looked up to, that I’ve had the opportunity to run in races with (Ryan Hall) and runners that I’ve watched conquer and win the NYC marathon –  Meb Keflezighi and then there was Deena Kastor who was jetting off to Russia for the Olympic trials and the founder of the Beach to Beacon Joan Benoit Samuelson.

Press conference pictures:


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Then to pick up our race shirts – my whole family got to meet up with Meb and get a few pictures and he signed my race bib for good luck!  Saving that forever and considering this as our family Christmas card picture.

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Afterwards, Cabot and the Ridley family treated us to a behind-the-scene tour of a working Cabot farm.  It was so much fun!  I really enjoy talking to the people who create the food that I eat.  It gives you a much better perspective on how you should be eating (fresh).  This family is so wonderful.  The animals are apart of their family, with each cow named and housed in their very own stalls and not just a numbered animal.  They are, I believe, what makes Cabot products so amazing.  They share the same passion for fresh eating, taking care of the earth and the animals that produce food to sustain the masses. This is what matters.  I appreciated my family being able to take this tour with me and the rest of the team.  I love that my kids know where their food comes from versus thinking it just comes from the grocery store and that it doesn’t matter.



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After a lovely lunch at the farm and chasing a very frisky cat around the property… we headed off to the Inn to relax.  Then back out to Candace’s magnificent house for a carb-loading feast.  It was so relaxing and lovely to sit around and get to know the other bloggers a bit better.  We headed back for rest and to get ready for the race bright and early the next morning.

Flash ahead about 10 hours and we were at the race starting line taking some fun pics.  I had no idea how the course would play out.  I was told “rolling” hills.  Yeah, that is a very subjective definition.  People in New England think large hills are mere rolling.  I assure you, they are not.  My goal was to be under an 8 minute mile.  So with that we took pics and started the race.


Cabot Fit Team – food bloggers, Cabot employees and Ridley farmers.




The race was cool on the start and then it started to rain and got a bit humid.  The rolling hills were mountainous to me taking a bit of wind out of my sail.  I kept plugging along but wasn’t feeling like I was running my best.  I didn’t pay attention to my watch but just kept pushing hard.  I finished.  Stopped my watch and was happy to see that I crushed my goal and I couldn’t be happier!

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My husband was waiting for me along with my girls (first time they’ve seen me run in a race).  It was the best feeling and their energy was intoxicating!


My view upon finishing… really doesn’t get any better than this!

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To wrap it up, we were invited to TD bank’s lobster bake.  Now if you know me, you know I don’t, or didn’t I shall say, eat fish.  I had never had a lobster in my life and I figured with my new vegetarian focus, I needed to give this another whirl and truthfully, where else in the world should I try lobster but in Maine!?!


I ate it, thanks to my new friend, a Patriots fan (I’m a Giants fan) who helped instruct me on how to properly dismantle the lobster.  We had such a great night dining with the elite athletes, a victim of the Boston marathon, Olympians and new friends.  It was truly an incredible experience.  I will cherish these memories forever along with my family.  Talk about being blessed doing something you love.

I want to digress a moment, Cabot has been, without a doubt, an incredible company to deal with.  I don’t ever share things on my blog that I don’t love, support or use/eat and serve my family.  Their business philosophy is basic – they are 100% farmer-owned.  Their employees are as passionate as their farmer’s.  They believe in putting the best product they can into the market.  It’s that simple.  No bells and whistles, just honestly great products that they believe in.  They love the farmers that encompass their co-op.  The farmer’s share the same passion for Cabot.  Their excitement about what they do is who they are and we are so happy that we’ve made lifelong friends with them.  Funny enough, as we were planning out the rest of our New England journey, Chris, an incredible Cabot employee, extended an offer to my family – come and stay at our home with us.  This is total New England charm and the reason I’m so smitten with this part of the country because you rarely EVER see this kindness and generosity.

Thanks Cabot, Beach to Beacon, TD Bank and Ridley Farm for the hospitality.  It was one experience we will never forget!


~The Runners


Running on the beach the day after the race before we left Maine.

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— Knead to Cook


  1. It was so great having you, your family and the rest of the Cabot FitTeam bloggers here in Cape Elizabeth. Thank you for your beautiful wrap-up of an incredible weekend!

  2. So happy for you Robin! What an awesome experience. Great pics, too! You go girl!

  3. I am so glad to read your recap and see all of your great photos. I LOVED getting to know you and your family over the weekend. I hope to get to see you again soon:)

  4. Great job Robin!! Sounds awesome! :)

  5. A wonderful wrap up to cap off what has been a wonderful addition to the CabotFit team! I’ve so enjoyed getting to know your blogger better, Robin and can’t wait to see what’s up next :) Love your recipes and inspirational passion for fitness!

  6. You really captured the experience in proses and pictures. What a great experience to have with your family and new friends!


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