Time to get Cho-ventive!

I’m so excited that Chobani contacted me earlier this week.  They are interested in sharing some of their INCREDIBLE products with friends of my Facebook page &/or KTC website.  I’m so excited to put this giveaway together with them :)

So here are the details:  

One super lucky winner will receive:

1 – 32 oz container of 0% fat Plain
1- 32 oz container of 2% plain
1 -32 oz container of 0% Vanilla

That’s a whole lotta cooking & baking creativity that can happen!  Plus each week I share my new Chobani creations with you in case you’re recipe challenged :)

Not so fine print:

To open this up to both fans of my website and FB page – Please comment on this post to be entered into the giveaway.  You only need to comment once.  Random.org will select a winner.  The winner will be announced on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 @ 9 pm EST.  The winner will need to email me at robin@kneadtocook.com with their mailing address within 48 hours.  I will forward that information directly to Chobani.  They will be sending the product directly to the winner.

Good luck!

— Knead to Cook


  1. I LOVE chobani and so does my one year old!

  2. Ann Romanosky says:

    I love your Chobani recipes!!!

  3. Great giveaway! :)

  4. Kimberlee says:

    I just found your website today, I cannot wait to try some of your recipes! :)

  5. Love me some Chobani!

  6. I love it! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  7. CHO-CHO-Chobani- BANI- BANI!! My lovely song every morning before i eat my chobani!!! Hehehe!!!xoxo Bia Rich

  8. Heather C says:

    Yay Chobani!!

  9. LOVE this yogurt, it’s my breakfast (and sometimes lunch) every day!!! Cool blog!

  10. LOVE this yogurt…they make it not far from where I live too!

  11. i just found an excellent afternoon snack for my type 2 diabetes. whole almonds in lemon chobani. it was so good i’m going to do this with walnuts tomorrow & another flavor!

  12. Love this stuff!!! :)

  13. Terri Betz says:

    YUMMY! Please enter me too! And thanks for the chance!

  14. Jenn German says:

    I love your chobani creations.

  15. Love Chobani & really enjoy your recipes:-)

  16. Oh yay, I would love some Chobani!

  17. Nancy Martin says:

    How great! MP3 LOVES Chobani!!! We could certainly use some more around here. I use it like sour cream or yogurt. Mmmmm. I live your recipes for it too!

  18. Love chobani! We go through about 25 containers a week. It’s crazy!

  19. I’ve always loved yogurt! I recently was introduced to Chobani by a friend. It would be great to be selected as your giveaway winner!

  20. Not only do I love the Chobani, but so do my Oldest and Youngest sons! :)

  21. I would love to win! I want to make the blood orange pound cake so badly! :)

  22. Love your Chobani recipes! Keep them coming?

  23. Congratulations, Robin!! This is wonderful.

  24. I *love* this stuff! I use it everyday in fruit smoothies, and I love your recipes! :)

  25. Jaime Raab says:

    I soooo love this Yogurt! My favorite is the Cherry Yogurt! Thank you, Chobani!!! <3

  26. Jenny Davis says:

    We all love to eat Chobani, but I love cooking with it as well. Amazing as a substitute for sour cream, mayo and incredible in baking.

  27. Erika Kozicki says:

    Love Knead to Cook and my favorite runner 😉

  28. Skylar loy says:

    my hubby.and I absolutely love thia yogurt even.my very picky 3 year old eats it and if i.add the.plain on top of a taco in place of sour cream she loves it!!

  29. Charissa says:

    Count me in! Love Chobani and its many uses!

  30. Jill Engel says:

    I cant wait to try your Chobani blood orange poundcake recipe, sounds delish!

  31. fingers crossed!!

  32. Chobani is my favorite! Have you tried the new apple cinnamon one yet? YUM!

  33. Sandy Rodriguez says:

    Chobani, yummy.

  34. My little guy LOVES “flower” yogurt aka vanilla

  35. DaisymaePlaydosniffer says:

    I sooo love chobani!!! That have so many wonderful flavors. Love adding it to my smoothies, oatmeal, “ice cream,” savory and sweet recipes!! I just love the stuff!! Ooh, and can’t wait to try some of your recipes….look so amazing!!! 😉

  36. We love yougurt—-hope we live longer!!!!!!!!!1

  37. Joe Hostler says:

    Yogurt is good and I like it. Mmm…

  38. Lauren Zink says:

    I love Chobani!!!!!!

  39. Love Chobani …great giveaway

  40. I love Chobani, but my family buys it at Costco, which unfortunately doesn’t sell these larger containers and flavors! I love the idea of baking with Chobani, and would love to give it a try! It’s been my go-to snack after work-outs and I looove CHO topped with granola in the morning!
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  41. Love, love, love chobani :))

  42. I just made my omelette w/chobani this morning! LUv luv luv it!

  43. Kelly Howard says:

    Yummy! Pick me! Pick me! Lol!

  44. Laura Smeltz says:

    I am new to your site and the yogurt. Excited to try it though as I deal with a new Celiac diet in addition to diabetes.

  45. LOVE your delicious and creative recipes! You’re helping me to eat healthier and offer more creative choices for my family. Thank you!
    Chobani rocks! We call it ‘special yogurt’ in our house :)

  46. Annie Webster says:

    Love, Love, Love Chobani! :))

  47. Courtney Brooke says:

    Your recipes look fabulous ! Can’t wait to try them!!

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