Today, as I sit here typing, my Sunday started out with a chilly run and then migrated quickly to a snowy afternoon. We were expected to get about half and inch which now looks like 3-4 inches down on the ground. I have to admit, I’m not a fan but on a Sunday, with my whole family home, it’s kind of nice. The fireplace is blazing, the trees are lit. Baking and cooking happening in the kitchen… and I even wrapped the last of my Christmas gifts. It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas.
So with the snow, comes one of my daughters that has to go out and enjoy the rarity of the snowstorm. She was quite the entrepreneur making quite a nice stash of cash shoveling people’s driveways and earning some holiday money. I’m quite impressed. As a reward, hot chocolate and it can’t be the packet version – homemade is best. It does take a bit of time but it’s so worth it for the flavor.
Ingredients: For each cup of hot chocolate you will need~
1 heaping teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 heaping teaspoon of coconut palm sugar
1 tablespoon of peppermint simple syrup
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of water
1 cup of scalding almond or cashew milk
Into your saucepan, over medium heat, add the cocoa, sugar, simple syrup, salt and water. Bring it to a boil until thickened, whisking. Then add the hot milk and whisk to combine. Then pour into your mug(s).
To make vegan whipped cream: Take a can of full fat coconut milk and refrigerate for 24+ hours. Once cold, remove the can top and scoop (carefully) the full fat that rises to the surface. Place that in a stand mixer with the whisk attached. Blend on high for about 45 seconds or until stiff peaks start to form and then add 1/4 cup of powered sugar to sweeten. I also add a splash or peppermint extract or vanilla – blend and the top your beverages. Sprinkle with candy cane pieces.
— Knead to Cook

i want the egg nog bread recipe
Oh, yes please! I’ll take two cups
Peppermint and chocolate are meant to be together 
I could use one right now, trust me!