When I saw the Cabot Fit Team event advertised I secretly hoped and wished I would be selected but I was quite certain there would be many, many bloggers who would enter. My luck with lotteries for races has been pretty good but this event was big… really BIG for a food blogger and I just hoped and prayed. As the deadline approached, I sat at my computer and thought… why not?! My family had agreed that we would tour New England in August, once swim season was over, visiting friends and new states for our girls. Plus as a foodie, let’s face it, I would be in heaven hitting up my favorite companies along the way. Cabot was definitely at the top of my list as I consume vast amounts of their products each day! So as I do for each race I want to do… I hit ENTER and hoped and prayed I got in. I knew it would be about a week until I would find out. And finally the email came. I wasn’t chosen. I admit it, I was upset. You know when you feel like everything was just falling into place… our vacation was going to be up there already. We love New England. We love our friends we were planning on visiting. It was all perfect then this… as you do, you shrug it off and move on. Then three days later, while cooking in my kitchen and getting ready to rush out to meet friends for lunch – the phone rang. I looked at the caller id and saw Cabot Coop and just froze. HURRY up, snap out of it Robin! I grabbed the phone. It was Friday at 11:45 a.m. On the line, a super cheery voice explaining to me that they selected 7 runners and I was the 8th. Sounding deflated the cheery voice continued on by saying that the 7th runner wasn’t able to attend and I was in. “I WAS IN!!!!!!!!!” Are you kidding? *Okay try to control yourself before these people think you’re crazy!* Repeatedly, I conveyed my thankfulness. Fast forward… I call my husband screaming in the phone. The poor guy was almost deafened! I cannot explain how much I wanted to do this race… why? For my kids to see me. For me to continue to push myself beyond my boundaries that had been set. I recently lost 30 lbs and I’m stronger than I’ve ever been before. I just got done running Broad Street and smashed my time last year by 13 minutes. This was my chance to run and get great time while my family was waiting at the finish line for me. Normally, my husband and I run and go away to do so (as a mini vacation) so my kids have never seen us race.
So I sit here, honestly still amazed at the opportunity. Thrilled to have already met the other bloggers (online) chatting with them each day. Sharing training, joys, defeats, accomplishments etc. I’m honored to be in such awesome company and to represent such an honorable, awesome company that I believe in. This is a total win-win situation in my mind. I eat and feed my family and friends Cabot products every single day. I eat their cottage cheese for lunch and sometimes dinner without fail. The cheese is over-the-top, insanely fabulous. Local farmers. Local company doing good. Promoting healthy lifestyles. I’M SO EXCITED!!!!
The Cabot Fit Team is made up of incredibly talented women. I’m in awe of each of them! Please pop by and share some foodie love with these awesome women/pages.
CARRIE BURRILL: bakaholicmama.com
REBECCA RIDLEY HARRIS and LEAH RIDLEY: Cabot’s Ridley Farm Runners
LEAH RIDLEY: Cabot’s Ridley Farm Runners
CAROLYN KETCHUM: alldayidreamaboutfood.com
KRISTINA LARUE: loveandzest.com
GINA MATSOUKAS: runningtothekitchen.com
ANNE MAUNEY: fannetasticfood.com
MONICA OLIVAS: RunEatRepeat.com
KATIE WEBSTER: healthyseasonalrecipes.com
Thanks for letting me share my excitement!
— Knead to Cook

We are so happy that you are a part of the Cabot Fit Team and I’m personally so excited to meet you after following you for so long on social media. I can’t wait to show you and your family around my beautiful town!
We are SOOOOOO excited!!! I cannot wait to give you a big hug!
I don’t know who the 7th runner was who couldn’t attend but with your excitement over this I am SO glad! Yay, it’s so great to run with people who love it this much. Can’t wait to meet you in August!
Carolyn, I know I feel badly for who couldn’t do it but so happy that I got in! Cannot wait to meet you guys in person
Reading this was just a reminder of how I felt too! I am so glad to be taking this journey with such a great team. I am soooo impressed you have lost 30 pounds! That is A-MAZE-ING! You go girl! You must be one determined chica:) And by the way, lol about blasting your husbands eardrums out. Ha!
Katie, He thought we won the lottery! Ha ha…. oxox
Looking forward to meeting you in August!
Me too Anne! oxo
So sad I won’t meet you personally, but thrilled to meet you online and start following you
Congratulations Robin and I wish you much success with the race!