Sesame Sriracha Tempeh. Vegan. Gluten Free.

Sesame Sriracha Tempeh
Sesame Sriracha Tempeh.

I made this tempeh in mind for a Buddha bowl (I’ll share a pic below) for dinner on Monday night.  Tempeh is as versatile as chicken or pork if you’re a carnivore.  It’s got a mild flavor and takes on whatever you throw at it.  I marinaded this for about 6 hours and it had absorbed it perfectly.  I love hot and spicy food.  If you aren’t a big fan, use less Sriracha sauce in the marinade or add a bit of sweetness to help balance it out.  I’ll share that option below as well.  Tempeh can be purchased at most major grocery stores in the health food aisle.  It’s a great option for protein in your diet.


1 package of tempeh, sliced or cubed
Water for steaming
1/4 cup of Bragg’s liquid aminos or soy sauce
2 tablespoons of Sriracha hot sauce
1 tablespoon water or if you wish to tame the heat add maple syrup
1 tablespoon of sesame oil


Always with tempeh – it needs to be steamed for 10-12 minutes I’ve found.  So do that first.  I use a rubber OXO insert into one of my saucepans and steam, covered, until my timer goes off.  Remove and let cool.  While that’s steaming, add the remaining ingredients into a tupperware container and whisk to combine.  Add your tempeh and cover.  I shake gently and refrigerate any where from 4-36 hours.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.  Line your baking sheet with a Silpat.  Place your tempeh on the baking sheet and bake for 5 minutes then flip.  Bake for an additional 5 minutes.  Remove.  I like to add this to a Buddha bowl with steamed and raw veggies and quinoa or rice.  Great to make several batches and store for lunch and dinner ideas.

Here’s our Buddah bowl that we had for dinner. Mix your tempeh with veggies, quinoa/rice, steamed or roasted veggies.




Sunday:  18 miles
Monday:  Rest day.
Tuesday:  5 miles.  The plan was 1 mile at warm-up and 4 at pace.  Yeah, my legs were still very fatigued from Sunday’s run.  I ran and gave it what I could.  I also did a weightlifting circuit, abs and core work.

Also, I have Valentine’s Day on the brain today and I came home to this email which I wanted to share.  Love and already ordered.  Running/cycling gear is the preferred Valentine’s Day gift in our house!



— Knead to Cook

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  1. I’m really getting into the Buddha bowl thing and I love that you posted this.
    And I’m fairly new to cooking so please no laughing haha but I guess I’m wondering, you let it sit in the sauces for 4-36 hours. does that mean you got to make it way ahead of time?

    1. No laughing at all. You’re going to steam the tempeh first. Then whip up the marinade. I put it in tupperware-ish type of container then add the tempeh. Cover. Shake gently. Then refrigerate for 4-36 hours to marinade. Remove. Bake and then enjoy! Does that help? Sometimes my brain goes faster than my fingers when typing. Happy to help. Just ask πŸ™‚ oxo