Kentucky Derby Bourbon Sweet Potatoes.
In honor of the 38th running of the Kentucky Derby, Hilary from the awesome food blog Baking Bad is hosting a virtual Derby party. She has asked some friends to pop by and bring a Kentucky Derby-inspired dish and I was so happy to oblige with my sweet potato creation. 🙂
3 enormous sweet potatoes (or you can use 5-6 large sweet potatoes), peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces
1 c of light brown sugar
1/2 c of butter
3/4 c of bourbon (I used Jim Bean)
1 1/2 tsp of ground cinnamon
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1/2 tsp of nutmeg, ground
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Place all of the peeled, chopped sweet potatoes in a glass 13×9 pan. In a sauce pan over medium heat, add all of the other ingredients and bring to a boil. Whisk the ingredients as they cook. Once boiling, pour the liquid mixture over top of the potatoes. Bake for 50 minutes or unit the potatoes are fork tender.
— Knead to Cook
Should you cover the casserole so the sauce doesn’t dry out?
You certainly can! Robin
Can you prepare a day ahead of Tim?
Not sure who Tim is but you can.
Can you prepare a day ahead?
Sure thing!