Hemp Protein Green Smoothie. Running recovery.
You know how this winter has been, right? Forever. Unending. Perpetually horrible. Well finally we have been rejoicing and enjoying a brief respite from Mother Nature’s furor and soaking up the sunshine-filled days and warmer temperatures. I don’t like running in the afternoon or evening, I like running on an empty stomach and because I eat all day long – I’m relegated to the darkness of the early morning 5am workout crew. Last night I checked my weather app and it clearly had a 5 am temp of 40 degrees. I opted to bag the gym and the treadmill, which I did over a 100 miles on last month, to finally get outside and work some hills and test my speed again. I was worried. My husband thought I was crazy but I didn’t know how my speed and cadence would be after running on the treadmill so long but I faced my fear and doing it.
I jumped out of bed, sans alarm, at 430 am. I got up and dressed. Ready for 40 degrees. I normally don’t mind running in 20-30 degrees temps but since my hand surgery and developing Raynaud’s syndrome… I cannot take the cold/pain at that temp. It’s going to be 40 – I can handle that! So I run out the door and get started. Seemed quite chilly but I kept moving. I didn’t have the right gloves on (I normally layer to keep my hands from freezing) and I had a tank on under my coat and no hat. Yep. I was freezing… I wasn’t warming up… I kept going. My plan was 10 but by 8 my fingers hurt so badly I knew I needed to be done. I wasn’t paying attention to my speed but to taking each hill and dodging black ice (snow melt/refreeze) with stride. I got home and could barely open my garage keypad with my fingers. Got in and was flabbergasted at my time! Best time ever – EVER! Two years ago I was at a 930 minute mile and 32 lbs heaver. What the world!!! Craziness! I’ll admit, I’m just elated. Who knows if I can pull that off again but I was so happy with my effort. And by the way – my husband ran separately and told me that the temp was 32. No wonder I was freezing!
So how to refuel? Well I’ve been limiting dairy over the past week or so because my stomach has been struggling with it in normal sized portions. I wanted to incorporate a protein in my smoothie because I don’t eat meat. So this is my latest and greatest creation. Perfect for vegans. One side note, while eating any iron-rich food, always pair it up with a citrus fruit to help with the absorption of the iron in your body. This helps if you suffer from anemia or are low in iron.
1.5 cups of water
1/4 of a pineapple – cored/skin removed – I sliced into quarters and used one
1 inch piece of ginger (peeled)
2 tablespoons of Hemp protein powder (I used Bob’s Redmill)
1 banana
1 lemon, skin removed – can use any citrus
8 ice cubes
Place all ingredients into your Vitamix or blender and blend until smooth. Serve immediately or refrigerate until needed (keep up to 2 hours). This makes 3 smoothies.
— Knead to Cook
Way to get it!