Almond Walnut Milk and Everything Bagel Pulp Crackers. V. GF.


Homemade almond walnut milk & everything bagel wet pulp crackers.  Hi my friends!  Okay, so we survived Stella Superstorm/Nor’Easter blah blah blah.  We ended up with about 8 inches of fresh powder with a good inch of ice.  Super fun.  I won’t complain because my entire family was home together with no commitments or jobs on the agenda.  It was heavenly, I won’t lie.

More updates… So after a very thorough investigation/research – my daughter had narrowed her college search/applications down to 10 schools.  She has finally signed on the dotted line and is committed to university!  So excited.  So yesterday we did all things registration/booking dates for meeting her counselor and registering for classes, booking orientation week, ranking dorms, doing her school ID, choosing her meal plan & she actually has found her roommate.  We also got her bedding etc. last weekend.  What the what?  We’ve gone from zero to finished in a hot second.  Phew!

So I stocked up on all my nuts last week and figured I would make some milk over the weekend.  I wanted to do a combination of walnuts and almonds with cinnamon.  It came out great and I made crackers with the residual pulp (sans dehydration). No waste and lots of goodness.

Read the entire recipe before starting.

Milk recipe.


1 cup of walnuts
1 cup of almonds (raw)
Pink Himalayan sea salt
3 tsp ground cinnamon
12 cups of water
High powered blender (I used my Vitamix Ascent 3500)
Optional:  If you wish to sweeten add 1 tbl of maple syrup per each batch


First, you need to cover your nuts in a large bowl with fresh water.  Soak for 18-24 hours.  Rinse and drain the nuts.  Then, working in a batches – I took 1 cup of nut mixture with 4 cups of water, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a pinch of salt for each of the 3 batches I made.  If you wish to have it sweetened, add the maple syrup.  Blend for 3 minutes.

Once the 3 minutes is up you will need to strain the pulp.  If you have a nut bag like this use it or a clean dish towel or cheese cloth.  I couldn’t find my cheese cloth so a clean open weave towel worked.

You will need to pour the milk through the towel to catch the pulp and catching the milk in a large bowl as seen in the pics.

Then carefully fold up the edges and squeeze the remaining liquid from the pulp as pictured below.  

Funnel the milk into glass containers and reserve the pulp in a separate bowl for the crackers.

Once you’ve worked through your 3 batches of milk – take the reserved nut pulp and let’s start working on the crackers.

Recipe inspired by my friend Heather over at YumUniverse.


1 cup wet almond pulp
3 tablespoons olive or coconut oil
1 tablespoon of Trader Joe’s everything bagel seasonings (or you can use your favorite dried herbs)
1 garlic clove, minced (optional)


Preheat the oven to 350F. In a large mixing bowl, combine the almond pulp, oil, seasonings and garlic– stir well. Transfer the mixture to a sheet of parchment paper and place another sheet of parchment paper on top. Use a rolling pin to roll the cracker mixture about 1/8-inch thick, or as thin as you’d like your crackers to be. Using a sharp knife or pizza cutter- slice into squares or whatever shape you prefer and score with a fork.  Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden and crispy.  Remove and let cool completely. 


Sunday:  6 outdoor miles
Monday: 5.14 outdoor early miles
Tuesday: Stella the Nor’Easter – forced rest day.
Wednesday: 1h weightlifting whole body/45 minutes on 11 incline on treadmill/30 minutes elliptical

That’s a wrap!  Now off to recipe test.  ~ox

— Knead to Cook

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  1. Both of these recipes look amazing!! I have been wanting to make my own ‘milk’ and what a great idea to use the pulp for crackers.

    And congratulations to Sydney on choosing Purdue!!

    1. Chelsy!!! Love you so much lady. I highly recommend making milk… so easy! And these crackers have also doubled as dog treats. I made a batch without any seasoning and they loved them. oxo

  2. Robin, these look wonderful!

    Two questions:

    1. How long will the milk stay fresh/good?
    2. At what point do you cut the crackers into
    squares — before baking, right away, etc?

    Thanks, and congrats on your daughter’s
    decision : ) My son is a senior in high school
    and is still waiting to hear from seven (out
    of the 17 unis applied to). I have a feeling
    that you might be Canadian? One of the schools
    my son was admitted to was University of
    British Columbia. Exciting times!


    1. Suzanne, I updated the slicing detail. I was so excited to share I forgot that part. LOL. The milk will be good for 5-7 days. I just made a smoothie with mine and it’s still delectable.

      I’m in the U.S. Our daughter applied to 10! She was incredibly thorough to say the least. She was still waiting on 3 but really felt strongly about her choice and she received an academic scholarship which was even better. She’s enrolled in a 5 year masters program 🙂 Best of luck to your son and his acceptance. Hoping those other 7 come through soon. Waiting is the worst! ox

  3. Making your own milk?!!! Come on now! There is nothing that you cannot do! I love that your recipes seems so easy perhaps it is because your directions and pictures are so thorough.