Friday Favorites. Series.

friday favorites

I’m sticking to my Friday Favorites in the new year every week!  Call it a resolution or a goal but I’m on it.  I got up and hit the gym early (actually was standing in line, in the rain before they even opened).  Eminem blasting on the radio as I pulled in to the parking lot which completely energized me.  Ha!  So let’s get this started.  My favorites for the new year so far and oh yeah… a rocking giveaway!  DON’T MISS OUT!

Let’s start with the giveaway and one of my favorite companies ever!  I’ve been wearing Garmin watches for the last ten years – at least.  I wear them all day everyday.  They are my favorite running watch out there.  I’m also beyond blessed to be an ambassador for them in 2016.  To help celebrate they are giving one U.S. resident a Vivosmart activity tracker in purple.
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Here is some information on the Vivosmart:

Activity TrackerΒΉ Plus Smart Notifications
Displays steps, calories, distance and time of day
Vibration alerts for calls, texts and emails from your smartphone
Easy operation using touch and swipe
Inactivity alert reminds you to move
Auto goal keeps you challenged

Click here for full product details.

So how do you enter?

Be a U.S. resident.
Leave a comment below of what your fitness resolution is for 2016.
That’s it.  One entry per person.  

Garmin is sponsoring this giveaway.  Random winner will be announced here and on Instagram on Wednesday, 13th of January 2016.  

My next favorite product for 2016 is:


Yoga Toes are like yoga for your feet.  Seriously.  I run so much and have arthritis in my right foot that these have been heavenly.  They help keep everything aligned properly and give your feet a much needed stretch.  I wear them each evening and even sleep in them when I need them.  They come in fun colors too.  Trust me after running or standing all day… your feet will appreciate the stretch.  You can find these here.

Okay you’ve seen this shirt on me several times and I absolutely love it!  I was also told that it will sell out soon due to popularity.  Lucy Activewear is a master at creating clothes that are not only functional but so much fun!  This shirt is a must-have for anyone who runs.  c/o
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Last but not least… I love Pro Compression socks so much that I’m an ambassador for them as well.  Their sock of the month is just banging for January and I had to share.  Here is a 40% off code if your a stripe lover (possibly addict) like me: JANSOM

Blue and black stripe.

Okay that’s it from here.  I hope you love these products as much as I do and don’t forget to enter to win that Garmin VivoSmart Activity band.  Can’t wait to hear everyone’s healthy resolutions!

Wrapping up my first week training of 2016:

Sunday:  Technical trail run 8 miles
Monday: 12 treadmill miles/weight lifting/core
Tuesday: 12 treadmill miles
Wednesday: rest day
Thursday: 20.5 outdoor miles
Friday: 8 treadmill miles/weights/core
Saturday: planned rest day

Good luck!

— Knead to Cook

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  1. My resolution is to make it to yoga after work, and not end up on the couch instead like I keep wanting to when it is so cold and dark!

  2. I resolve to become a healthier vegan, increase my running speed, stretch more, and do more strength training. I want to learn how to better take care of my body, inside and out!

  3. Run 1000 miles this year and stretch! I’m really bad about stretching and foam rolling and know this is vital to my running longevity.

  4. My resolution is to do some strength training (instead of just run all the time). I would also like to try some trail runs!

  5. My resolution for 2016 is to run and start training for a full marathon! I’ve run 3 half marathons, so now I’d like to do a full!

  6. My resolution is definitely to take better care with foam rolling and staying in tune with strength training. I’m really wanting to incorporate more yoga since I rarely take the time.

  7. Hi Robin! I have been following you on instagram and on your site for almost 3 years now. Love your recipes and running posts! You have been such an inspiration to me, and someone I aspire to be like. Last year you inspired me to finally run my first 5k! And this year my goal is to beat my PR by supplementing my running with more strength training.

    1. Marisa, Thank you for such kind words!! You totally got this and remember to enjoy the journey and the hard work. That’s what truly makes it all worth it. πŸ™‚

  8. Learn to swim and complete a triathlon! I love to run and bike, but oh boy….gotta get past the water first! Signed up for Mt Gretna in May- no turning back now!

  9. Stick to clean eating and lose some weight I’ve wanted to lose for too long. In turn hopefully alleviate my si joint pain. This tracker would be an awesome addition!

  10. My goal is to get back into triathlons. I’m also hoping to completely eliminate my back pain. I’ve been getting stronger and fitter everyday.

  11. My resolution is to run/walk 1,000 miles in 2016. I joined one of the online challenge groups to stay motivated. Only 980 more miles to go πŸ™‚

  12. My resolution is to include more cross training. I love to run but forget need to switch it up. This cross training will lead to a healthier, happier ME!

    1. Lizzy, The one thing that I did last year was to be a bit selfish and put myself first. It really has been life-changing. I get up crazy early to be done with my workout before my kids even wake-up… it helps tame the craziness of life.

  13. I suffered a herniated disc injury in the fall, so now i am cleared and on my comeback tour to running, three halfs this year and more cross training !!! Also change my eating habits and dink more water.

  14. I suffered a herniated disc injury in the fall, so now i am cleared and on my comeback tour to running, three halfs this year and more cross training !!! Also change my eating habits and drink more water.

  15. I’m doing Run the Year 2016 with two friends, so about 675 miles for me which will be up from 400 this past year.

  16. my goals are to start exercising again and keep it 6 days a week. Also to have a healthierbveiw of food.

  17. My 2016 fitness goals include continued healing and strengthening of a nagging injury and putting into practice good form, intentional training, and smart fitness.

  18. I’d love to PR in a 5K – I haven’t broken 23 min yet but this is the year! And I’m excited to be there to cheer on my 4 year old in her first 100m dash on my old high school track in March. Passing the running bug to the next generation. πŸ™‚

  19. My resolution is to continue running along with working hard to lose 25 lbs and moto ate my husband to do it with me.

  20. My 2016 fitness goal is to get leaner and faster, focusing more on speedwork. I have 2 half marathons on the schedule already.

  21. I’m going for a new marathon PR, hopefully Chicago in the fall. And, as usual, I should do more yoga and stretching – I’m terrible about that πŸ™‚

  22. Thanks for the heads up on those compression socks. Purchased a pair for my 10 year work celebration. Very supportive husband!!!
    I left my healthy resolution on tour instagram post. But here it is again- I’ve been reading a chapter in Psalms every morning to start the day with some perspective, also listening to my body and NOT pushing to run every single day!

  23. I started the Paleo diet in August of 2015 and I have lost 46 lbs. I need motivation to exercise. I have MS. I really need to do this. I would love to have this to motivate me to get moving! Awesome!

  24. Very excited to find this site! My fitness goal is to keep carving out time for my fitness during a hectic life as a mom, daughter, and wife. Also, to become mostly vegan by the end of the year!

  25. My number one fitness goal is to make family fitness (myself, husband, and 7 year old daughter) a priority. We all do our own things but I want to find ways for us to be active together, even if it just means taking a walk in the evening after dinner. Unfortunately my town very rarely hosts family events (such as a family 5K) so it is a bit of a challenge to find things.

    1. Amber, I feel the same especially as my kids get older, working, sports etc. I’m happy with pizza night on Fridays. I always make homemade pizza and set up a topping bar. Brief snippets of time for sure. Great goals!

  26. You know I love that shirt, ordered it asap. Wore it once already and it was a hit with me and everyone else. Yoga toes are great. I highly doubt with running and yoga I will ever wear heels again! Number one goal; vegetarian at least all the time and vegan most of the time. Also sleep is a priority.

  27. My goal this year is to stay injury free and run another ultra marathon. I have only run one 50K but 10 marathons. I just turned 40 so I need to stay smart in my training, recovery and nutrition.

    1. Desiree, I’m with you! I ran one 50k in October and several marathons. I’m training for my first 50 miler. Training low and slow to keep it all in check. πŸ˜‰ Good luck.

  28. I was hoping 2016 would be the year of my second ultra…looks like it might be the year of my second child instead…lol.
    But I definitely need those yoga toes! I’ve had plantar fasciitis since high school track and toe separators have always given me such relief after a long run!

  29. my resolution is more yoga and more yoga! those yoga toes look pretty awesome. I have arthritis in my big toe joint, I should check thos eout!

  30. My resolution is just to work on consistency. I know what works for me, but I need to be more consistent and intentional with it! (A tracker could really help me with that πŸ˜‰ )

  31. My goal is to be able to walk and eventually run for health. After several surgeries on my feet, I’m hoping I will finally be able to walk again pain free.

  32. You’ve already inspired me to break my typical 3 mile run to a 5 mile. I now need to incorporate more stretching into my day. Looking forward to exercising and eating to stay healthy:)