Spring training. Allergy season. Running and snow?


I admit, I’m confused.  I sit here and it’s supposed to be spring… the weekend was lovely and warm and now we have a pending snow storm? Tonight!  I think in all actuality it is supposed to only be a  dusting or an inch but really?? The calendar claims spring and honestly the winter has just been brutal.  Most of us have had enough.  Well my training continues and apparently now allergies, amidst the pending snow, have started.  Pollen count is nice and high and my husband, youngest and myself all feel like we’re dragging, foggy and just blah.  Regardless, the training must continue despite me wanting to stay in bed at 4:30 a.m. versus getting dressed and trudging to the gym but I do.  I alternate my run days with weights/cardio/abs so that was yesterday.  Today meant a run.  I’m rushing to get my 100 miles in for the FitFluential 100 mile challenge for March.  I did do it for February and that was a shorter month so this should be easy, right?  Ha.  I’m now up to 85.95 miles at 11:07:30 time.  If I knew I was so close to 86 I would’ve run it today but the totals come after my run was over.  Two more runs this week and I’ll be there.  I’m tossing around a race this weekend, just hoping my “fog” lifts and I find some good energy before I sign up.

Wearing:  Mizuno Wave Rider 16, Lucy endurance capris, Garmin 620 running watch, Jawbone UP 24 band.

That’s it from here.  I’m off to start working in the kitchen.

Sweat daily.


— Knead to Cook

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