Welcome to my blog. My name is Robin and I’m the plant-based, vegan & sometimes gluten free foodie/blogger, recipe creator behind this website. I love traveling the world, riding my Peloton and lifting weights. I’m a former ultra marathoner with a replacement knee along with a few other fun screws here and there. I believe food should fuel your life and your passions while being approachable. I’m a former carnivore transitioned to vegan for over nine years now.
I have had the pleasure to be a contributor to the former Lucy Activewear Lucy Let’s Go blog – creating exclusive recipes and sharing my favorite workout wear. I am a contributor to VegaOne and Honest Cooking. I work with several companies to create recipes for their products including Maille U.S., Colavita and Bob’s Redmill to name a few.
My food journey has been an evolution since I started my blog about 12 years ago. I started to change the way I was eating and migrated over to being a vegetarian. It wasn’t for any grand reason other than I sat down to dinner and couldn’t put a piece of meat in my mouth. From that point forward it was like a switch was turned off and I never looked back. That was over 9 years ago. Then in January 2014 I was battling many stomach issues. My husband suggested giving up dairy to see if it would help and it did. I’ve been vegan ever since.
You will notice a migration of recipes on my blog from full on carnivores/dairy filled to vegan/gluten free. I wanted to provide some history on the journey and my migration to make more sense of the recipe compilation. My hope is that everyone can incorporate some vegan/vegetarian dishes into their family’s diet. I firmly believe food is healing and medicinal.
2013 Races~

August, 2013 Cabot Fit Team member running the Beach to Beacon 10k in Maine. Personal record time: 49:01.

2014 races~

Blues Cruise Ultra 50k – October, 2015.
Final trail marathon running for 2015. Ran the first half marathon relay with a newer half marathon and first time trail running friend and the second half with my friend Pete from my ultra marathon.
Had the best time. And wrapping up my 2015 mileage.
Hello! I’m Robin
Plant based VEGAN FOODIE + BLOGGER, WEIGHTLIFTER, Peloton riding, Former Ultra MARATHONER
Welcome to my blog. My name is Robin and I’m the plant-based, vegan & sometimes gluten free foodie/blogger, recipe creator, world traveler, ex-ultra marathoner, Peloton riding weightlifter behind Knead to Cook. I believe food should fuel your life and your passions. I’m a former carnivore transitioned to vegan for over two years now. I believe food should be simple and approachable.
I have had the pleasure to be a contributor to Lucy Activewear Lucy Let’s Go blog – creating exclusive recipes and sharing my favorite workout wear. I am a contributor to VegaOne and Honest Cooking. I work with several companies to create recipes for their products including Maille U.S., Colavita and Bob’s Redmill to name a few.
“I firmly believe food is healing and medicinal.”
I believe food should fuel your life and your passions.”Then the power of food really impacted my daughter. My oldest was battling cystic acne for about 4 years. It was suggested to remove gluten and dairy from her diet after many harsh topicals and prescriptions failed to work. Within 10 months her face is clear and acne free. I also removed gluten from my diet to support her and I’ve felt wonderful.
You will notice a migration of recipes on my blog from full on carnivores/dairy filled to vegan/gluten free. I wanted to provide some history on the journey and my migration to make more sense of the recipe compilation. My hope is that everyone can incorporate some vegan/vegetarian dishes into their family’s diet. I firmly believe food is healing and medicinal.
Welcome to my blog. My name is Robin and I’m the vegan & gluten free foodie/blogger, recipe creator, world traveler, former ultra marathoner and passionate weightlifter/Peloton rider behind Knead to Cook. I believe food should fuel your life and your passions. I’m a former carnivore transitioned to vegan for over nine years now. I believe food should be simple and approachable.
I have had the pleasure to be a contributor to Lucy Activewear Lucy Let’s Go blog – creating exclusive recipes and sharing my favorite workout wear. I am a contributor to VegaOne and Honest Cooking. I work with several companies to create recipes for their products including Maille U.S., Colavita and Bob’s Redmill to name a few.
My food journey has been an evolution since I started my blog about 12 years ago. I started to change the way I was eating and migrated over to being a vegetarian. It wasn’t for any grand reason other than I sat down to dinner and couldn’t put a piece of meat in my mouth. From that point forward it was like a switch was turned off and I never looked back. That was over 2 years ago. Then in January 2014 I was battling many stomach issues. My husband suggested giving up dairy to see if it would help and it did. I’ve been vegan ever since.
Then the power of food really impacted my daughter. My oldest was battling cystic acne for about 4 years. It was suggested to remove gluten and dairy from her diet after many harsh topicals and prescriptions failed to work. Within 10 months her face is clear and acne free. I also removed gluten from my diet to support her and I’ve felt wonderful.
You will notice a migration of recipes on my blog from full on carnivores/dairy filled to vegan/gluten free. I wanted to provide some history on the journey and my migration to make more sense of the recipe compilation. My hope is that everyone can incorporate some vegan/vegetarian dishes into their family’s diet. I firmly believe food is healing and medicinal.
2013 Races~

August, 2013 Cabot Fit Team member running the Beach to Beacon 10k in Maine. Personal record time: 49:01.

2014 races~

Blues Cruise Ultra 50k – October, 2015.
Final trail marathon running for 2015. Ran the first half marathon relay with a newer half marathon and first time trail running friend and the second half with my friend Pete from my ultra marathon.
Had the best time. And wrapping up my 2015 mileage.
Hello! I’m Robin
Welcome to my blog. My name is Robin and I’m the vegan & gluten free foodie/blogger, recipe creator, world traveler, ultra marathoner and passionate weightlifter behind Knead to Cook. I believe food should fuel your life and your passions. I’m a former carnivore transitioned to vegan for over two years now. I believe food should be simple and approachable.
I have the pleasure to be a contributor to Lucy Activewear Lucy Let’s Go blog – creating exclusive recipes and sharing my favorite workout wear. I am a contributor to VegaOne and Honest Cooking. I work with several companies to create recipes for their products including Maille U.S., Colavita and Bob’s Redmill to name a few.
I’m also a proud Fitfluential, Pro Compression and Momentum Jewelry Ambassador – click the link off my main page for a product discount.
“I firmly believe food is healing and medicinal.”
I’m married to my biggest supporter. With that we have a very modern, eclectic needs. My husband and I are vegan with me being gluten free. My oldest is dairy and gluten free and my youngest and my father are both carnivores with no dietary restrictions. Dinners at our house are typically quite a balancing act trying to embrace everyone’s unique palate. Traveling to Europe this summer was quite challenging experience to say the least. Thankfully exploring was so much fun.
My food journey has been an evolution since I started my blog about 5 years ago. I started to change the way I was eating and migrated over to being a vegetarian. It wasn’t for any grand reason other than I sat down to dinner and couldn’t put a piece of meat in my mouth. From that point forward it was like a switch was turned off and I never looked back. That was over 2 years ago. Then in January 2014 I was battling many stomach issues. My husband suggested giving up dairy to see if it would help and it did. I’ve been vegan ever since.
I believe food should fuel your life and your passions.”Then the power of food really impacted my daughter. My oldest was battling cystic acne for about 4 years. It was suggested to remove gluten and dairy from her diet after many harsh topicals and prescriptions failed to work. Within 10 months her face is clear and acne free. I also removed gluten from my diet to support her and I’ve felt wonderful.
You will notice a migration of recipes on my blog from full on carnivores/dairy filled to vegan/gluten free. I wanted to provide some history on the journey and my migration to make more sense of the recipe compilation. My hope is that everyone can incorporate some vegan/vegetarian dishes into their family’s diet. I firmly believe food is healing and medicinal.
Hello! I’m Rosemary
Strawberry sage cake and lemon drop jelly. Tiramisu cake pea & tootsie oat roll. Fig sugar plum gummi, bears lime jelly oat, strawberry beans lemon drops. Sweet rolls jelly-o sugar & plum strawberry cheese powder. Raspberry chocolate cake. Bonbon danish gummies dessert jelly beans tiramisu bonbon blueberries.
Cookie donut sesame snaps topping gingerbread cheesecake tiramisu dragée. Cake green pea gummies danish biscuit candy canes root. Wafer gummi bears bake muffin macaroon. Halvah lemon drops jelly beans macaroon sweet roll danish sweet roll.
Raspberry chocolate cake. Bonbon danish gummies dessert jelly.