Products I ❤.

Kitchenaid Stand Mixer

By far the most used appliance in my kitchen.  Kitchenaid Stand Mixer.


This dough scraper is invaluable!  I use it for scraping dough, picking up cookies, cleaning off my granite countertops (flour) that has been used when rolling out dough.  I always seem to grab for this little tool.

Dough scraper but so much more!



Mango pitter.  Never knew this existed until my friend Tammy told me about it.  I love mangoes but hate cutting them & always feel like I’m throwing out a ton of fruit when I cut them.  This makes it so much easier & you can’t believe how much fruit actually separates from the pit.

Mango Pitter


If you enjoy making bread as much as I do – this pan is a must!  Helps to yield a nice crusty baguette!

Triple Baguette Pan



6 thoughts on “Products I ❤.

  1. I had NEVER thought about a mango pitter, but that’s actually really ingenious! I avoid buying mangoes because of what seems like excessive waste, plus I’m terrified of slicing my hand off. I might need to get one of these…

  2. Robin,
    I just got a FB msg from you about my name being pulled for the food processor! I messaged you back my shipping address. Is there anything else I need to do on here?

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