Baked egg in an avocado.


I’ve been making eggs in avocados for about two years.  Lately, I’ve been seeing a plethora of food bloggers sharing their recipes lately along with their leaky exploits of egg whites in the process.  My way, I believe, is the easiest way to execute a perfectly baked egg in an avocado that has easy clean-up making this a perfect weekday breakfast idea for your repertoire.

Recipe is simple.  Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Halve each avocado giving each person one or two halves.  Remove the pit.  Scoop out a bit of the avocado from the inside, to make room for all of the egg, and reserve it.  Take some tinfoil and make a bowl for the avocado.  See picture below.  Crack the egg into each carved out space in the avocado.  Top with some cayenne pepper (if you like it), salt and pepper.  Place the avocado on a cookie sheet and bake in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.  You can determine how cooked or undercooked you like your yolks.

While the eggs are baking, I place the extra removed avocado in a bowl with one small tomato, 1/2 of a jalapeño chopped and some cilantro.  I cut that up using two sharp knives.  I make some whole grain toast and use it to top my bread and egg/avocado mixture.  Super protein-packed breakfast.  Wonderful post run recovery  :)

— Knead to Cook


  1. What a fun idea! I love avocado and eggs, so why not add the two together! :)

  2. This looks like such a great combination…eggs and avocado…never tried this. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Can you cook it in the microwave?

  4. Wow, love this idea, often have avocado on toast for brekky, with an egg on top. Not any more, can’t wait to try this.

  5. Great idea! Can’t wait to try it out!

  6. Saw this pic and immediately thought DELICIOUS! And thought of my husband since avocado is his favorite food and he eats a lot of eggs…then saw the recipe and read the bottom “wonderful post run recover” and that sealed it – I must make this for my husband! He is a runner and would LOVE this! Must try!

  7. Sounds like a really cool recipe! But for post-workout meals, you might want to avoid fats, they delay the processing/digestion of carbs/proteins and leave your muscles hungry for longer. This could make some awesome snacks though, I will have to try baking various other things in avocados.

    • I’ve been distance running and eating this for years. Of course, I don’t eat a big meal post run but within the hour :) Thanks for popping by!

  8. Sounds great. May have to try this sometime. I just don’t understand some people’s repulsion to avocado. I’ve always loved them. Chopped avocado it a great addition to a tossed salad with a little vinaigrette. Or a favorite of mine is baked fish topped with a garnish of avocado sliced and add a twist of lemon

    • Mitch, I’ve learned one thing being a food blogger… I can’t please everyone. Sadly, some people don’t bite their tongue and try to strike out and hurt others. Thankfully there are more fabulous people out there than mean ones 😉

  9. This looks wonderful. Too bad I forgot to buy avocados at the farmer’s market yesterday.

  10. Thanks for sharing my recipe. Love your blog!!! Runner here too :)


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